Npm-team and npm-test cli command
In the previous tutorial we showed you how to mark your favorite packages and view the marked packages, we also showed you how to use npm start and stop commands.
In this tutorial we will be teaching you how to manage organization teams and team membership using npm team, we will also be showing you how to test a package using npm test.
Npm team
The npm team command is used to manage organization teams and team memberships
npm team create <scope:team> npm team destroy <scope:team> npm team add <scope:team> <user> npm team rm <scope:team> <user> npm team ls <scope>|<scope:team> npm team edit <scope:team>
This command is used to manage teams in organizations and to change team membership. It does not handle permissions for packages.
Teams have to be fully qualified using the organization/scope they belong to when operating on them, separated by a colon (:). What this means is that if you have a developers team on a foo organization, then you must always refer to that team as foo:developers in these commands.
- create / destroy: Creates a new team, or destroys an existing one.
- add / rm: Adds a user to an existing team, or removes a user from a team they belong to.
- ls: If this is performed on an organization name, it will return a list of existing teams under that organization. If it is performed on a team, it returns a list of all users belonging to that particular team instead.
- edit: Edits a current team.
The npm team will always operate directly on the current registry, it is configurable from the command line using --registry=<registry url>.
If you need to create teams and manage team membership, you have to be a team admin under the given organization. Listing of teams and team memberships can be done by any member of the organization.
The creation and management of team admins and organization is done through npm?s website and not through the npm CLI.
In order to use teams to manage permissions on packages belonging to your organization, you need to use the npm access command to grant or revoke the appropriate permissions.
The npm test command is used to test a package.
npm test [-- <args>] aliases: t, tst
This command runs the test script that is contained in a package, if you provided one.
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