Hooks migration guide
How to integrate the new hooks API into your existing Apollo app.
The new hooks API for Apollo Client is a simpler way to fetch data in your React app without the boilerplate of render prop components and higher-order components (HOC). We recommend using hooks for all new Apollo code going forward.
Upgrading to the new hooks API requires a major version bump from the previous version of Apollo's React integration. Before updating to the latest version, it's important to review the following details:
Breaking changes
Please keep in mind that this is a major version release, and there are some breaking changes (we've tried to keep them to a minimum). The full breaking changes list can be found in the Changelog.md.
New packages
To help reduce application bundle sizes, React Apollo 3 introduces a new modular package structure:
Individual packages (recommended):
Umbrella package (includes hooks, render props, and HOCs):
Supporting packages:
You can use the umbrella react-apollo package to get access to the new hooks, along with the legacy graphql HOC and Query / Mutation / Subscription components. If you're planning on supporting each of these 3 different paradigms in your application while you incrementally migrate, then the react-apollo package should work well.
If you're only planning on using some of this functionality, like only the new hooks, then you'll want to install the individual packages instead of react-apollo. Installing only the @apollo/react-hooks package yields a 50% bundle size savings than using all of react-apollo.
Installation/upgrade scenarios
I just want to use Apollo hooks:
npm install @apollo/react-hooks
I just want to use Apollo render prop components:
npm install @apollo/react-components
(and remove the react-apollo package if it was previously installed)
I just want to use Apollo HOCs:
npm install @apollo/react-hoc
(and remove the react-apollo package if it was previously installed)
I want to use all 3 React Apollo paradigms in my application:
npm install react-apollo
Note: We're going to be moving away from the react-apollo package in the future, so installing the individual paradigm packages instead of react-apollo is recommended.
Bundle size note
React Apollo 3 uses hooks behind the scenes for everything, including the graphql HOC and render prop components. While installing and using only the paradigm package(s) that interest you will save on bundle size, the savings will vary based on the packages you're using. This is because the HOC package depends on the components package, and the components package depends on the hooks package. In other words:
@apollo/react-hoc <-- @apollo/react-components <-- @apollo/react-hooks
@apollo/react-components <-- @apollo/react-hooks
This means using only the @apollo/react-hooks package will give you the greatest bundle size savings.
Server-side rendering
The getDataFromTree and renderToStringWithData SSR functions are no longer bundled with any of the React Apollo packages in order to help reduce bundle sizes for those who aren't using SSR. If you want to use these functions, you'll need to add in the @apollo/react-ssr package:
npm install @apollo/react-ssr
Testing utilities are no longer bundled with any of the React Apollo packages. Everything has been moved into the @apollo/react-testing package:
npm install --save-dev @apollo/react-testing
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